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The hearing aid that opens up your world

Oticon Opn BrainHearing Technology       Enjoy better speech understanding Oticon Opn is proven to give you better speech understanding, with less effort, in noisy environments. You will be able to be socially active in the same situations as people with normal hearing. Studies show that Oticon Opn improves speech understanding from 20% to [...]

By |March 5th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The hearing aid that opens up your world

Hard To Follow Conversations?

Do you work hard to follow conversation sitting at a dining table? If you don’t catch it the conversation moves on, and you get left behind. Discover BrainHearing technology by Oticon. Proven to : • Reduce your listening effort • Help you remember more of what is being said • Gives you better speech understanding [...]

By |March 2nd, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Hard To Follow Conversations?